Train for Lean Muscles with These 3 Quality Exercises

If you want to build lean muscle, plenty of exercises can help you achieve your goals. However, not all exercises are created equal. Focusing on exercises targeting multiple muscle groups and promoting overall strength and conditioning to maximize your workouts is important. Add three quality exercises to your custom training program to get lean:




These are one of the most effective movements for building lean muscle. They target multiple muscle groups, including your back, glutes, hamstrings, and core, making them a great option for overall strength and conditioning.


  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and a barbell on the ground before you perform a deadlift. Bend your knees and hips and grip the bar with your hands outside your knees. 
  • Keeping your back straight and your core engaged, lift the bar off the ground by raising your hips and knees. 
  • Keep the bar close when lifting. Squeeze your glutes and hamstrings. 
  • Bring the bar to the ground by bending your hips and knees.
  • Repeat for several reps.


Deadlifts can be performed with different variations, such as sumo and Romanian deadlifts, to target different muscle groups and add variety to your workouts.




Squats are another excellent exercise for building lean muscle in your custom training program. They target your quads, glutes, hamstrings, and core, making them a great option for overall leg strength and conditioning.


  • Stand with your feet apart (shoulder-width) and your toes pointing slightly outwards. 
  • Maintain a straight back and engaged core.
  • Bend your knees and hips, lowering your entire body as if sitting in a chair. Ensure your knees don’t go past your toes, and focus on maintaining your weight in your heels. 
  • Once your thighs parallel the ground, push with your heels and extend your legs to reach the starting position.


Squats can be performed with different variations, such as front squats and goblet squats, to hit different muscle groups and bring variety to your workouts.




Pull-ups are an excellent exercise for building lean muscle in your upper body. They target your back, shoulders, and arms, making them a great option for upper-body strength and conditioning.


  • Start hanging from a pull-up bar with your palms facing away from you. Your hands must be shoulder-width apart. 
  • Bend your elbows and squeeze your shoulders together to bring yourself to the bar. Keep your core engaged and shoulders down through the entire movement.
  • Slowly lower yourself to the starting position when your chin is above the bar.


Pull-ups can be performed with different variations, such as chin-ups and wide-grip pull-ups, to target different muscle groups and add variety to your workouts.


Discover Your Fit Factor


By incorporating these three exercises into your workouts, you can target multiple muscle groups and promote overall strength and conditioning. Observe proper form and technique when performing these exercises, and gradually increase the weight or resistance as your strength improves. You can build the lean muscles you desire with consistent training and dedication.


At The Fit Factor, our exclusive personal training studio is dedicated to producing results. We take pride in providing customized training programs to help clients achieve their fitness goals. With our attention to detail and precision, anyone seeking to enhance their fitness journey will be amazed at the level of dedication we offer. Get a custom training program in Wellesley by calling (617) 872-0050!

Chad has been my personal trainer for over 10 years.  He is very dedicated and resourceful as a trainer.  I would highly recommend Chad.  He has kept my body healthy through all these years and in my 50s. Chad is also very accommodating to working with your schedule. Wouldn't go anywhere else.

Joan C

I love working out with Chad! I have been working out with him for the past year and a half and have had the best results compared with other trainers. Chad’s dedication to his clients, humor, warmth and expertise are a winning combination. I look forward to our sessions and always leave feeling stronger, more flexible and energetic. I highly recommend Chad.

Brittany chick

I have been working with Chad (the trainer) for almost three years now and have gone through an amazing transformation! He bonds greatly with his clients and is a very qualified trainer. He tailors workouts to individual clients and has helped me perform better as an equestrian and achieve my physique goals. If you are looking for a great one-on-one trainer, I would highly recommend.

Yvonne C.

When I started going to the fit factor I went in thinking I had a pretty good knowledge of weight lifting and exercise without having much to improve. I was so wrong! Chad was incredible and really took the time to explain and show proper technique as well as a variety of different exercises that I had never done before. I now have much more confidence in my form and have a really great and well rounded routine. Additionally, Chad catered to my personal goals and really listened to what I wanted to accomplish. I cannot recommend The fit factor and Chad enough!

Giuseppe Leonelli

I have been weight lifting for over five years but have never had dedicated instruction from a trainer. Chad was able to notice where my form was failing and correct it immediately. He also guided me towards effective exercises so that I could keep achieving my goals and moving up. After a couple of months of working with him I was able to see some great results. Chad knows his stuff!

Jonas Escobedo

Chad has been great with not only the types of specialized workouts each session but also with checking in after the sessions. He has a real passion for seeing people make big health changes; which makes it fun. Would highly recommend!

William Gotschewski

I went to Chad looking to get back in shape and lose weight, which had crept up from working long hours. Chad was super patient and non-judgmental. We started at a level where I would see results but not get so sore or so disappointed at what I could not do it. He focused on what I could do if I pushed myself hard and taught me that step/skill building was an integral part of the process. We also talked about nutrition and self-care. As other reviews have mentioned, he cares about his clients beyond the appointment time, and wants them to make positive change to their lives that will stick. I lost 30+ pounds and I am in the best shape of my life. I have been able to maintain this for 2 years. He taught me how to create a sustainable workout plan. Even during the pandemic I was able to maintain my weight and my fitness level thanks for his frequent check-ins and the solid fitness base we created through his work and fitness mentorship. I highly recommend him!

Tere Ramos

I started with Chad in August 2020, my first semester of college was cancelled and i needed something active to do. At that point I was a small underweight kid looking to gain muscle and gain weight. I went to Chad 3 times a week until late January 2021. Those 5 months were great, I really enjoyed going to chad and it was the highlight of my week and something I would look forward to going to 3 times every week. Throughout this time Chad has perfected my form on workouts and had a great and unique workout for me everytime. I went in weighing 125 pounds at 5’10 and now I weigh 150 pounds after the five months. Not only did Chad give workouts but he also gave me a diet for me to follow so I could maximize my time with him. He really personalizes workouts for each person. Currently i’m in the best shape of my life and am super confident in my body. GO TO FIT-FACTOR!!

Declan Gulley