Tips on Achieving Long-Term Body Transformation Goals

It’s important to form habits that make you feel good, and becoming healthy and changing your nutrition is a fantastic place to start. A goal, such as becoming stronger and leaner, may provide focus and an incentive to keep exercising, especially if you’ve established an ideal fat percentage zone that you’d like to achieve.


Read these tips for completing a successful body transformation, from the importance of recovery and nutrition to the value of sticking to a plan and giving yourself enough time.


  1. Give Yourself Time


The first and most important thing is to realize that change takes time. Changing your diet and exercise habits is a huge undertaking. You’ll have to give yourself time to adjust and try different things. Be patient, and don’t expect any overnight results. You may get frustrated and want results yesterday, but you don’t have to set any deadlines. One important thing is to be consistent with your diet and training.


  1. Make it Fun


Sustain your efforts by making it fun. Set small and achievable goals for yourself in the near term. If you have training in the morning, you will be more likely to get up and train. Balance your training and nutrition plan so you can enjoy it. Find out what works for you and your lifestyle, and always make time to feed yourself well and give your body the nutrients it needs to perform.


  1. Don’t Get Stuck on Appearance


Your body has been through a lot and will need a lot of time to heal and recover. Don’t expect to look like a Calvin Klein model overnight. Understand that it takes time to build muscle, and you must give your body time to respond. A quick-fix diet will just produce short-term results, and you will feel cheated when you don’t achieve the results you are looking for. Measure your progress in other ways.


Body transformations take time. It’s not a race to see who can lose the most weight or gain the most muscle the fastest. You won’t believe how much better you will feel with a healthy lifestyle over time. All the sacrifices and hard work you put in now will be worth it in the end. Don’t get discouraged if you aren’t seeing the results you want. It takes time. Be patient and positive, and enjoy the journey.


  1. Make Space for Rest


Avoid overtraining at all costs. Learning to rest properly is the key to getting and staying lean. If your training gets too intense, you will have difficulty getting lean and will burn out quickly. Make sure you have enough rest time between your training days. Make sure you have time to recuperate from your training.


  1. Reward Yourself


Reward yourself for your hard work by eating well. Eat clean, healthy foods and indulge yourself occasionally when you deserve it. Christmas is a great time to eat unclean foods and reward yourself. You earned it. That doesn’t mean binging for three nights in a row. You just need to eat enough to enjoy it. Enjoy your food and eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed.


  1. Focus on Technique


Whatever exercise you are doing, focus on form and technique. If you are doing a bodyweight exercise, ensure your core is engaged. If you are doing a weight training exercise, make sure you have the proper form. Set up your body in a good position from the beginning. Check your posture and alignment. Use proper form and good technique, and you will get better results in the long run.




Getting in shape is one of the best things you will ever do for yourself. It’s an exciting time where you will see massive improvements in your energy, stamina, and overall health. It’s important that you have a clear goal in mind before you start your training because you will have to be a little more disciplined than usual. You also need to understand that you need to allow yourself time to achieve your goal. Commit yourself to a plan, give it everything you’ve got, and you will be amazed at the results you can achieve.


The Fit Factor is an exclusive, results-driven personal training studio in Wellesley. Anyone interested in genuinely achieving their fitness goals through customized training programs will be blown away by our trainers’ attention to detail and precision. Call us today! 


Chad has been my personal trainer for over 10 years.  He is very dedicated and resourceful as a trainer.  I would highly recommend Chad.  He has kept my body healthy through all these years and in my 50s. Chad is also very accommodating to working with your schedule. Wouldn't go anywhere else.

Joan C

I love working out with Chad! I have been working out with him for the past year and a half and have had the best results compared with other trainers. Chad’s dedication to his clients, humor, warmth and expertise are a winning combination. I look forward to our sessions and always leave feeling stronger, more flexible and energetic. I highly recommend Chad.

Brittany chick

I have been working with Chad (the trainer) for almost three years now and have gone through an amazing transformation! He bonds greatly with his clients and is a very qualified trainer. He tailors workouts to individual clients and has helped me perform better as an equestrian and achieve my physique goals. If you are looking for a great one-on-one trainer, I would highly recommend.

Yvonne C.

When I started going to the fit factor I went in thinking I had a pretty good knowledge of weight lifting and exercise without having much to improve. I was so wrong! Chad was incredible and really took the time to explain and show proper technique as well as a variety of different exercises that I had never done before. I now have much more confidence in my form and have a really great and well rounded routine. Additionally, Chad catered to my personal goals and really listened to what I wanted to accomplish. I cannot recommend The fit factor and Chad enough!

Giuseppe Leonelli

I have been weight lifting for over five years but have never had dedicated instruction from a trainer. Chad was able to notice where my form was failing and correct it immediately. He also guided me towards effective exercises so that I could keep achieving my goals and moving up. After a couple of months of working with him I was able to see some great results. Chad knows his stuff!

Jonas Escobedo

Chad has been great with not only the types of specialized workouts each session but also with checking in after the sessions. He has a real passion for seeing people make big health changes; which makes it fun. Would highly recommend!

William Gotschewski

I went to Chad looking to get back in shape and lose weight, which had crept up from working long hours. Chad was super patient and non-judgmental. We started at a level where I would see results but not get so sore or so disappointed at what I could not do it. He focused on what I could do if I pushed myself hard and taught me that step/skill building was an integral part of the process. We also talked about nutrition and self-care. As other reviews have mentioned, he cares about his clients beyond the appointment time, and wants them to make positive change to their lives that will stick. I lost 30+ pounds and I am in the best shape of my life. I have been able to maintain this for 2 years. He taught me how to create a sustainable workout plan. Even during the pandemic I was able to maintain my weight and my fitness level thanks for his frequent check-ins and the solid fitness base we created through his work and fitness mentorship. I highly recommend him!

Tere Ramos

I started with Chad in August 2020, my first semester of college was cancelled and i needed something active to do. At that point I was a small underweight kid looking to gain muscle and gain weight. I went to Chad 3 times a week until late January 2021. Those 5 months were great, I really enjoyed going to chad and it was the highlight of my week and something I would look forward to going to 3 times every week. Throughout this time Chad has perfected my form on workouts and had a great and unique workout for me everytime. I went in weighing 125 pounds at 5’10 and now I weigh 150 pounds after the five months. Not only did Chad give workouts but he also gave me a diet for me to follow so I could maximize my time with him. He really personalizes workouts for each person. Currently i’m in the best shape of my life and am super confident in my body. GO TO FIT-FACTOR!!

Declan Gulley